Common Wealth

ZYNKA Gallery
904 Main St, Pittsburgh, PA 15215
June 8 – July 20, 2024

Artist Statement

Works in this exhibition explore our allegiances and how we express them. Familiar flags and emblems that visually signal our affiliations, beliefs, and values are steeped in patriotic or male-centric views that divide us by artificial borders and presume our rights to ownership of nature. This mentality also perpetuates the subjugation of women. From dowries and debts to deeds, we shed blood over seizure and control of the bodies of women and nature. For such a burden, both deserve the same agency and freedom we gain in their service.

These works propose a “matriotic” global view that defines home and our fellow “citizens” in the context of shared common wealth. This wealth – water, air, food, health, community – is contingent on our care and stewardship, not our abuse and exploitation. Stars and stripes are exchanged for a new aesthetic that puts women and nature at the forefront of our fidelity and urges that we reexamine to whom or what we pledge our allegiance.

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